Design Sprint #01 - Design and Construct with Dowel Laminated Timber
The Design Sprint is an online exercise facilitated by the Mass Timber Academy. It is designed to provide Short Course participants with an immediate opportunity to apply and test the knowledge they have gained about four different mass timber systems during each Workshop’s five weekly sessions.
Why should I participate in the Design Sprint?
The Mass Timber Academy’s education programme is cumulative and intended to provide architects, technologists and structural engineers with a sound grounding in each of the solid laminate timber systems currently available. Time spent on conventional CPD is not always ‘time learnt’, however, but each Design Sprint ensures your new knowledge is embedded for future use. The Academy provides online mentoring and technical backup to participants throughout the Design Sprint.
Can I do without it?
Yes, of course. Your life will carry on, but chances are that without an immediate opportunity to apply your knowledge you’re more than likely to forget what you’ve learned and then miss out on future opportunities to use DLT in your designs. Once you’ve learned the benefits of this non-glued system, why wouldn’t you want to test its creative possibilities in a short, highly-focused design exercise?
What does it cost to take part in
the Design Sprint ?
Participation in the Design Sprint is included in the Short Course fee. Participants are not obliged to take part in the Design Sprint, but there is no fee reduction for those who choose to only attend the Short Course. There are significant benefits to be gained from Design Sprint participation, not least learning how to make appropriate use of each mass timber system and being able to add visible evidence of your new knowledge and experience to your portfolio.
What results can I expect from participation in the Design Sprint?
In only five afternoon Short Course sessions over 29 days you will acquire in-depth knowledge of the principal non-glued solid laminate timber technology available today: 10 hours of intensive education to gain comprehensive expertise in the use of the mass timber system in question. The Design Sprint parallels the time frame of the Short Course and requires as much or as little of your own time as you feel you require to fully understand each particular timber technology.
What evidence will I have of my participation in the Design Sprint?
Successful completion of each Short Course and Design Sprint will be recognised with a Mass Timber Academy Certificate of Achievement. Completion of all four will be recognised with a Mass Timber Academy Certificate of Outstanding Achievement. More importantly, you will have a new string to your bow: you will have gained a demonstrable skillset that most architectural practices and engineering consultancies currently don’t have, thus increasing your employability and enhancing your career path and earning potential.
Questions / Mentoring
At the conclusion of each weekly short course session, time will be available for queries about the brief and the site, with technical questions listed and answers provided by or at the following week’s session.
If you have any other questions you'd like us to answer please send us a message below:
The Mass Timber Academy Design Sprints are supported by: